
AGR 00001
Published On: 02/25/2022

Question: We intend to bid a number of projects that are each in our affiliated entities (a project LLC). Would we sign a separate confidentiality agreement with each LLC? Or just one with the parent/affiliate which is the bidder developing the projects?

Answer: It will be sufficient to submit one for the parent and reference the affiliated entities in the NDA.

AGR 00002
Published On: 03/01/2022

Question: When is definitive documentation expected to be executed? There is a significant LC requirement upon execution.

Answer: Please refer to the process timeline included in the solicitation documents and RFP Appendix H for collateral requirements.

AGR 00003 (revised 12/13/2023)
Published On: 03/01/2022

Question: In regards to Thermal Asset Sale Appendix F: In a self-bid regulated project, it’s unclear what should be included in the acquisition price. Should we include the total cost including AFUDC or other? For a self-bid regulated project, should the title transfer date be populated with the in-service date?

Answer: For a self build project, the acquisition price should include all costs that would be included in rate base. The in-service date would suffice for the title transfer date.

AGR 00004
Published On: 03/01/2022

Question: In regards to Thermal Asset Sale Appendix F, Capital Expenditures: for a self-bid regulated project, should the project cash flow be put in these cells or are these cells only meant for ongoing capital?

Answer: These cells are for ongoing capital expenses. They are not intended to cover cash flows during construction.

AGR 00005
Published On: 03/01/2022

Question: In regards to Thermal Asset Sale Appendix F, the total number of hours that the unit can be assumed to be in startup varies by dispatch but estimates can be provided various dispatch scenarios that will be covered by the air permit. Please confirm this is acceptable.

Answer: This is acceptable.

AGR 00006
Published On: 03/01/2022

Question: In regards to Thermal Asset Sale Appendix F, Summer, Winter, Shoulder – what is the assumed temperature and relative humidity for each of the seasons. Should the Summer ratings be based on the MISO Summer Peak Time and temperature for the specific location? Currently MISO only requires Summer data so Winter and Shoulder conditions are not known at our site.

Answer: Bidders should include representative values and provide any clarifying assumptions for the values .

AGR 00007
Published On: 03/01/2022

Question: In regards to Thermal Asset Sale Appendix F, is startup the time to emission compliance or to full load?

Answer: The startup time is for full load.

AGR 00008
Published On: 03/01/2022

Question: In regards to Thermal Asset Sale Appendix F, Startup Heat Rate: Is this the total fuel during startup divided by the total kW during startup regardless of the startup time?

Answer: Yes. Provide the total fuel during startup divided by the total kW.

AGR 00009
Published On: 03/01/2022

Question: In regards to Thermal Asset Sale Appendix F, startup times vary according to hot, warm and cold starts. Assume we will provide all three. Please confirm.

Answer: Bidders should include representative values and provide any clarifying assumptions for the values.

AGR 00010
Published On: 03/01/2022

Question: In regards to Thermal Asset Sale Appendix F, shutdown hours varies by dispatch but estimates can be provided for various dispatch scenarios that will be covered by the air permit. Please confirm that this is acceptable.

Answer: Yes. This is acceptable.

AGR 00013
Published On: 03/08/2022

Question: What is the purpose of the PPA term sheets and will redlines to that be allowed?

Answer: The term sheets are intended to provide a degree of certainty as to contractability prior to award of capacity under the RFP, and to streamline definitive document negotiation in advance.  The term sheets provided are to give bidders a general indication of the type of agreement that will be executed in support of the facility. The term sheets are provided for guidance and as general reference documents.  DEI is not posting the documents as a fully formed agreement for redline purposes. DEI wants bidders to understand the kind of agreement they would be expected to execute if their project is selected. 

AGR 00014
Published On: 12/19/2023

Question: Can we get Word document versions of Appendix B and Appendix E for mark up?

Answer: Appendix B (Mutual Confidentiality Agreement): A Word version has been added to the Documents page and minor edits will be considered by DEI.

As to Appendix E: The term sheets are provided for guidance and as general reference documents.  DEI is not posting the documents as a fully formed agreement for redline purposes. Please review the response in FAQ AGR 00013.

AGR 00015
Published On: 12/20/2023

Question: For the Non-Intermittent RFP, what is the purpose of Appendix D - Storage Specs? Are those for references only? Or respondent must comply with the specs noted in the documents? If so, which documents?

Answer: Projects offered for acquisition are expected to comply with the Appendix D specifications. Per the Non-Intermittent RFP document, Section 4.2:

"Bidders submitting assets to DEI for acquisition should confirm in their proposal that projects will conform fully with the technical specifications or identify any aspects of their project that do not conform with the preferred specification. DEI may consider acquiring projects that do not fully conform with Appendix D, depending upon the materiality of the deviation. DEI reserves the right to disqualify from further consideration any acquisition proposal that does not substantially confirm with the preferred specification."

AGR 00016
Published On: 12/21/2023

Question: I noticed the current NDA does not have a governing law or term length for confidentiality included. Is this something DEI plans to revise and issue a new NDA? The 2022 NDA associated with the RFP has Indiana for governing law and a term length of two years.

Answer: The current NDA/Confidentiality Agreement document contains the term length in Section 5 (Survival of Obligations) and the governing law in Section 7 (Governing Law). The document can be found as Appendix B at

AGR 00017
Published On: 12/21/2023

Question: In the Non-Intermittent Appendix F (RFP response form) and Exhibit A-4 site layout guide, the term Build-Own-Transfer (BOT) is used. Appendix F states that STORAGE COSTS - BTA AGREEMENT (applicable only to Build-Own-Transfer proposals). Is Duke using BOT and BTA interchangeably for this RFP? If not, does a BTA fall under Asset Transfer or Build Own Transfer per Exhibit A-4?

Answer: Successful Build-Own-Transfer (BOT) proposals in the RFP are expected to execute a Build Transfer Agreement (BTA).

AGR 00018
Published On: 01/04/2024

Question: For completion of Appendix A that is due by 1/16/2024, do we only need to complete page 1 of 5 initially? Or do pages 2 thru 5 of 5 need to be completed as well?

Answer: Completing page 1 of Appendix A is required. In the subsequent pages, please provide the requested information about the facilities that will be offered in the RFP, to the extent available. Facility information provided in Appendix A is not binding and can be updated in the Proposals due February 23.

AGR 00019
Published On: 01/04/2024

Question: We would like to submit a set of redlines on the NDA posted to RFP website. Where should I direct that request?

Answer: You may send proposed edits to the NDA to the RFP Manager at

AGR 00020
Published On: 01/04/2024

Question: Within Appendix F, which tab should be filled in for a Solar-only project? There is a tab labeled "(Hybrid) Solar PPA '23" but not a tab for standalone Solar (although there is one for standalone Wind). Please confirm and thank you!

Answer: The '(Hybrid) Solar PPA '23' tab is for both Solar-only and Solar Plus Storage proposals. If you are proposing a Solar-only project, you do not have to fill in Section D.

AGR 00021
Published On: 01/08/2024

Question: Will PPA offers be evaluated using the approved vendors list or does the list only apply to APA and BTA offers?

Answer: The Approved Vendor List applies to APA and BTA proposals and not to PPA proposals. 

AGR 00022
Published On: 01/10/2024

Question: Could you please define "Capacity Asset" that is mentioned in Appendix G - Evaluation Criteria?

Answer: The term Capacity Asset in Appendix G refers to the asset/facility offered in this RFP.


AGR 00023
Published On: 01/15/2024

Question: Will Word documents of the PPA and BTA terms be made available for mark-up? The RFP Documents currently only include PDFs.

Answer: Please review FAQ AGR 00013. DEI is not posting the term sheets as fully formed agreements for redline purposes. DEI wants bidders to understand the kind of agreement they would be expected to execute if their project is selected. 

AGR 00024
Published On: 01/16/2024

Question: We have multiple projects that we are considering bidding. But we are only sure about one at the moment. Is it ok to add the additional projects after submitting the NOI?

Answer: The Notice of Intent is non-binding. Project-specific information can be updated after submitting the NOI, if needed.

AGR 00025
Published On: 01/17/2024

Question: In response to the Appendix E’s provided, would you accept our specific Term Sheets or do you need an issues list?

Answer: Refer to FAQ AGR 00013.

AGR 00026
Published On: 01/19/2024

Question: RFP Manager, is it possible for you to make available a word document version of the PPA Term Sheet (Appendix E) to help ease of review?

Answer: Please refer to FAQ AGR 00014.

AGR 00027
Published On: 01/24/2024

Question: Can you please confirm how facilities in development should answer questions similar to the following --- Appendix F, Section E: Ancillary Benefits - Excel Line 658 - "Can the unit start from a dead buss (black start)?" Should facilities still in development answer such questions based on their current expectations of the project's future capability?

Answer: Your understanding is correct. For a facility in development, the proposal should describe the expected capabilities of the facility.

AGR 00028
Published On: 01/26/2024

Question: Is there required site layout and PVSyst guidance that bidders should adhere to?

Answer: Please see Appendix D files for site layout and PVSyst guidance. All documents, including Appendix D, are provided on the RFP Documents page of this website.

AGR 00029
Published On: 01/30/2024

Question: Exhibit A-1-2 - Design Criteria - Electrical-Civil calls out 12ft agg. base perimeter roads while Exhibit A-4 RFP Site Layout does not call out perimeter roads (only interior access and main access). Does Duke require perimeter roads around all of the array blocks (outside or inside of the fence)? Or is this just guidance for exterior roads that are not to an inverter/POI?

Answer: Perimeter roads are not required if not specified for a project. If perimeter roads are included, the construction needs to comply with the standard.

AGR 00030
Published On: 01/30/2024

Question: Per Section 5.10 of the non-intermittent RFP: "Respondents shall identify the total number of operating hours and remaining life for each major turbine component subject to replacement and/or refurbishment as part of the major maintenance cycle. Respondents shall provide historical and budgeted capital expenditures for the facility. Historical capital expenditures shall be provided for each of the past three (3) years. Budgeted capital expenditures shall be provided along with a description of the projects involved for each of next three (3) years for existing facilities and the first three (3) full years of operations for facilities in development." Does that only apply to thermal bids or does this apply to storages bids as well? If it applies to storage bids, would you want the total number of hours and remaining life per rack? per module?

Answer: Please provide the information requested in Appendix F (Standard RFP Response Form). There is a separate Appendix F sheet for Standalone Storage vs. Thermal/Other resource types. To the extent that a clarification is needed, you can provide your clarification in the Notes section of the relevant sheet in Appendix F.

AGR 00031
Published On: 01/30/2024

Question: In Appendix F, can you please provide guidance as to how line 713 – “Provide Documentation for All Site Control Agreements (Including Recorded Memorandums)” differs from line 724 – “Provide Documentation for the Site Layout.”

Answer: For site control guidance, refer to Q&A RUL 00005. For site layout guidance, refer to Q&As AGR 00028 and RUL 00014. All Q&As are available at

AGR 00032
Published On: 01/30/2024

Question: Which tab in Appendix F should be used for a project that is a solar + wind + storage hybrid?

Answer: If all three technologies are bid as one offering at the same location, fill out the "Hybrid Solar" and "Wind" sheets in Appendix F and indicate that both sheets are part of the same offering.

AGR 00033
Published On: 02/01/2024

Question: In 4.2C of the RFP document, what does DEI mean by saying the project must have a minimum summer capacity rating of 50MW ICAP? Is DEI expecting bidders to apply ELCC to the projects nameplate capacity?

Answer: The ratings in 4.2C of the RFP document are the summer installed capacities without any ELCC applied.

AGR 00034
Published On: 02/01/2024

Question: Should the Solar plus Storage (Hyrid) 8760 only show the generation profile of the Solar submitted given that battery is dispatchable and its dispatch is subject to hourly price assumptions in each year similar to gas units? In addition, can you please provide guidance as to where the preferred Duke 8760 template can be found that is referenced in row 137 of Appendix F for Hybrid Solar PPA Responses?

Answer: Correct, the generation profile for hybrid resources should assume no use of the battery component. An 8760 template is now available at


AGR 00035
Published On: 02/05/2024

Question: Should we submit two distinct proposals with two offer narratives and two response forms if we're submitting a 400 MW facility and the same facility at a 200MW variant?

Answer: A separate Appendix F will be required for each of these proposals. If there are other supporting documents that apply to both proposals, please submit a single copy and identify in the file name and content the proposals that each file applies to.

AGR 00036
Published On: 02/07/2024

Question: Row 380 of the Solar PPA Appendix F requests Landowner Consents. Can you please clarify what is meant by consents?

Answer: We are asking bidders to provide acknowledgement of site control; this is a field on the PPA Bid Form (Appendix F).

AGR 00037
Published On: 02/19/2024

Question: What is meant by Solar Degradation Rate in Appendix F (Intermittent RFP Response Form)? Is this the rate at which we expect the plant out put to decrease of the years?

Answer: Correct, please provide an average degradation rate per year.

AGR 00038
Published On: 02/19/2024

Question: In completing the offer form, we were hoping DEI could clarify what they are looking to see for the Net Summer Capacity (MW) @ POI and the Net Winter Operating Capacity (MW @ POI). Is there a definition we can use that specifies the seasonal capacities? We aren't entirely sure what to include here.

Answer: Net summer operating capacity:  The maximum output that generating equipment can supply to summer system load.  This output reflects a reduction in capacity due to electricity use for station service or auxiliaries.

Net winter operating capacity:  The maximum output that generating equipment can supply to winter system load. This output reflects a reduction in capacity due to electricity use for station service or auxiliaries.

AGR 00039
Published On: 02/21/2024

Question: For Exhibit A-1-4-6 (Generation Substation – T/D Retail Substation Design Guide), would vacuum breakers, instead of gas breakers, be acceptable for transformer protection?

Answer: Alternate equipment may only be submitted as a line item cost alternative accompanying a compliant base bid. Complete details, specifications, and justification for the alternate equipment must be supplied to be considered for evaluation.

AGR 00040
Published On: 02/21/2024

Question: Can Duke provide the SolCast weather file and soiling calculator needed to satisfy the PVsyst requirements under the BTA?

Answer: The Meteonorm 8.1 weather file integral to PVsyst may be used for the preliminary PVsyst model. The soiling calculator does not apply to this phase, please assume zero soiling in the preliminary PVsyst model.